Simpla Admin – opening tabs from URLs

simpla.jquery.configuration.js - line 50 onwards
url_tab = unescape(self.document.location.hash);
if(url_tab != '') {
url_tab = url_tab.substring(5); // #tab- = 5
if($('ul.content-box-tabs li a[href=#' + url_tab + ']').length > 0) {
$('ul.content-box-tabs li a[href=#' + url_tab + ']').addClass('current');
$('.content-box-content div#' + url_tab).show();
} else {
$('ul.content-box-tabs li a.default-tab').addClass('current'); // Add the class "current" to the default tab
$('.content-box-content div.default-tab').show(); // Show the div with class "default-tab"

This will take index.html#tab-id-of-tab and open the tab with the id of ‘id-of-tab’. the ‘tab-‘ part at the start is so the browser doesn’t scroll down to the tab which is opened by itself.

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