When deploying with the Serverless framework (which Bitbucket Pipelines can do), I wanted to include a version number (or other vars & options passed in the Serverless CLI) which triggered the deploy (via Bitbucket Pipelines).
In my case, this is shown in the footer of a Symfony web-app (more on that below).
Here’s how this can be achieved;
In serverless.yml, we need to define our env-var within the function (or as i’ve done, for all functions, by placing it in the ‘provider’ -> ‘environment’ variables);
DEPLOY_VERSION: ${opt:deploy-version, 'unknown'}
In the above example, my ENV file will be called ‘DEPLOY_VERSION’
The ‘${opt:…} basically gets an option we’ve specified in the serverless deploy command-line (eg. serverless deploy –deploy-version v1.2.3 )
This allows us to pass environment vars from the command line, to our functions (in our case, we’re saying version 1.2.3 of our software is getting deployed).
Then, in Bitbucket;
Next, in our bitbucket-pipelines.yml file, we need to include some extra vars in the ‘atlassian/serverless-deploy:…’ pipe – eg;
EXTRA_ARGS: '... --deploy-version $BITBUCKET_TAG'
Here, we just specify our own option called ‘deploy-version’ (eg. ‘–deploy-version’), and used a variable which bitbucket includes at deploy-time (in our case, it’s called BITBUCKET_TAG).
In my case, i’m using tags to deploy new version of an app (eg. v1.2.3)
Using it with Symfony
From there, it’s upto you how your AWS Lambda function actually uses the environment variable. In my case, i’m using Symfony (with Bref to run it on Lambda). This requires an additional couple of steps;
In the .env file, I need to specify my default value for the env file (eg. when i’m developing it locally, etc);
From there, in my case I then include it as a global variable in my templates, by adding it to my ‘config/packages/twig.yaml‘ file;
parameters: deploy_version: '%env(DEPLOY_VERSION)%' twig: globals: deploy_version: '%deploy_version%'
And then in the footer of my pages, I can include it (eg. base.twig.html);
<p><small>Version: {{ deploy_version }}</small></p>
In summary, now when we deploy via Bitbucket Pipelines, we’ll have the version number used in the tag, included in our Symfony app (or whatever Lambda function you have).
Of course this could be used for any variable available in Bitbucket Pipelines (or event via the command-line in the Serverless framework)